Breaking the Silence

This is to update that the blog is not dead yet. There are actually a lot of things to be written but it seems that everything has just passed unrecorded. I have a never-ending to do list every day, been given more responsibility at work, but that doesn't stop me doing the evening job :)

Sheraz is 22 months old now. He says a few words (still) and babbles his own language. I have no idea when he's going to explode those real words. Man he's been naughty. I never wanted to say the word but he really is an active little kid. I'm not complaining cause he's still the little sunshine.

I guess that's it. At least that makes this a post :)


amirah said...

walaupun just simple update, tp sgt sweet dan terbayang how cheeky sheraz..

Rose said...

Amirah, so nice of you. eventhough I seldom do blog walking but you're still here. Hope everything is fine with you.

Hanis MY said...

welcome back to blogging... sheraz dah 22 months lagi 2 bulan nk 2 years, masa ni kids mmg cheeky kan... waiting patiently for my turn to be a mom as well...

S-Rafaella said...

yes! it's a post form dona! :D we miss you! :) sheraz is turning 2 years soon dona! oh my.

doing any birthday plan for the smart boy?

Rose said...

Hanis, yes dear. time ni lah diorg tgh explore. kalau x active, x banyak yg diorg boleh belajar :D

Sabrina darl. miss you too! yup he's turning two soon. I *think* I will throw a birthday party for him. We had a small one last year for his first, and that was in Penang. So I better consider one for him this time :D