Before the clock strikes 12 and before the day turns to another day, it is September 15 2011 and bunda would love to wish a Happy 2nd Birthday to you my little sunshine, Sheraz! I love you more everyday! Guess what, Your letter is on the way :)
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
Happy 2nd birthday Sheraz!:)
happy 2nd birthday to your son sheraz! write more please =) i love your writings dear
Where has all the time gone?.. I still remember reading your BF journey Dona. Your determination has inspired me a lot.
Okay now big boy, Happy Birthday to you. May all His blessings be upon you.
Heard you've been very busy lately dear friend. Spare sometime for blogging la, I miss your writings! :D Till then, take care! :)
Rasa terharu! Not sure what I'm supposed to say, seriously am loving all of you, ladies. most people wouldn't want to come here again. *hiks* It means a world to me.
Sheraz said "Thank you for the wishes!" :) Thank you.
yes Sabrina, the other day I even stayed back at office till the next afternoon. I still do have spare time actually, but the blogging soul is just not around. I need to recover and get it back :)
slalu singgah sini tapi tak de update, hari baru jenguk balik, oh sudah ade post baru!
anyway happy 2nd birthday dear sheraz! bila turun KL dtg la jumpe liam yer!
Happy birthday handsome boy <3
Selamat hari lahir ke 2tahun! Semoga hidupmu diberkati Allah dan jadilah anak yg soleh. Amin...
*Selamat Hari Raya.
cantiknyaa gigi!
happy belated birthday dear sheraz..
Thank you babYpose! :)
to ~As~ Terimakasih. Amin3. Selamat Hari raya* (lambat sikit :b)
Mama Gee. Thank you! Mudah2an gigi2 ni dapat bertahan elok sampai gigi baru start tumbuh!lol
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