
27 today

I know it's the 28th of the month but today, I turn 27. I don't regret that I'm getting older because no wise man ever wished to be younger. Another year older, another year wiser. I am grateful at how the past few years have turned out. Allah has been guiding me and I pray He will always do. I may not be a perfect person, but my intention is always to please people, especially the closest sweethearts of mine, And others, even though some people may not be appreciative enough, but forgiving is what I have to work on. My life is great and I'm so grateful for that. Out of the undesired seasons, I’d not only learn to be strong, but get a little better at not complaining about the craps.

Thank you to my parents, especially ibu, whom without her sacrifice and prayers I wouldn't even be here. Without her, I would not know how strong a woman can be. Thank you Allah for giving me the chance to live in a happy and enjoyable life. Thank you for opening my heart to my ex-classmate of whom later became my other half, he's such an inspiring person whom I hope to be with for the rest of my life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the mother of a wonderful little boy.

Well, life can be sometimes ridiculous for me, but the ups and downs will only make me stronger.

Thank you to all who contribute to my wonderful life.

Oh I'm so inspired. LOL. To all friends in FB, thank you for the wishes and prayers. May all the goodness goes to you.

And about my other half, this is his early birthday present which I received three weeks ago. He just couldn't wait. Thank you, abang. This is incredibly awesome!


ibudhani said...

hepi birthday donarose!!!!!wow dpt present ...bestnye!!!!!

Rose said...

Trimakasih! =)
hhehe. best.

::Ida:: said...

happy 27th birthday dona!!! (baru 27... :P)

and hope you enjoy your new present!!!! use it to the fullest!!! :D

Rose said...

thank you Ida.

alhamdulillah body ada haha, mana lah tau nak upgrade lens mcm korang. hehe

Aida Rasol said...

Happy birthday Dona!!
bestnya present... syiok.. :)

Rose said...

Trima kasih Kak Aida :)

Moments to Remember said...

dona, happy birthday! baru 27 ke? mudanya...

S-Rafaella said...

ahh! nice gift! good job, roy! :D happy birthday again dona! :)

Rose said...

K.Zura & Sabrina:


Confession of a Coffeeholic Momma said...

happy birthday!!

Rose said...

Thank you :) !!

MRS. AJ said...

Happy belated birthday dear!

Rose said...

Thank you kak Intan :)