
Sheraz is 6 months, 1 week and 5 days old

Sheraz just had his two little teeth peeked through! They're the bottom two middle ones. It is so cute to see them when he cries (He doesn't let me open his mouth to see the teeth, so I only can see them when he cries).

Now that he got his first choppers and they're SHARP! Yesterday morning he bit me twice during nursing, it was sooo much ouchy unlike those previous bites. When we checked, he actually got his teeth popped up. Now at the end of nursing session he'd bite me. When I do a high-pitched cry, he'd bite more and smile at the same time. It looks like my scream is like a joke to him.

Note to Sheraz: Sheraz - sheraz, bunda takut putus!


Aida Rasol said...

Hahaa... so notti baby sheraz...

Rose said...

sakit oo

ibudhani said...

gud la sheraz cepat tumbuh gg, cepat merangkak n duduk!!...bb sy x tumbuh gg lg... rsnyer mcm nmpk gak putih2..tp paed kata bukan...

ibudhani said...

tp takot la kena geget ni...sakit oooo yg xde gg pn...

Rose said...

Ibu Dhani: Xper, xyah tergesa2 :D. Every baby is different, some babies have their first tooth when they're a year old.

Aar, saaakit. bila baby kacip bibir dia bila mnyusu pun dah sakit, apalagi bila dah ada gigi. woohoo tajam tu.