The sport I miss


Last week the whole office had a Chinese new year lunch at Sarawak Club, a posh freaking expensive recreational and sports centre where there's no way of me being one of the club members unless somebody is willing to sponsor or unless I'm one of the rich who don't know any where else to spend with the money. When I saw the tennis court my heart suddenly felt hollow. I may be exaggerating, but I don't know how to explain how I miss playing tennis - so bad.

I started playing tennis when I was in primary one. Stopped playing during high school and continued playing when I was in the uni. I joined the varsity squad and we did play and practice a lot. And some more, my hostel was just a few steps to the tennis court. I could feel the fresh smell of the courts and the tennis balls every day. Some how I miss being tired and sweaty after smashing a few sets with the fellow team members.

I wish somebody I know can play tennis here in Kuching. Anybody?

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