
I've been Busy

I've been busy enjoying the holiday, actually. It's Gawai Dayak festival here in Sarawak. Sheraz has been busy as well, working on his laptop and ALWAYS trying to work on something so that I can be involved in his activities. I know, all he wants is attention.

Last weekend he was down with fever for almost 4 days in a row. So I don't mind if he 'disturbs' me, as long as he's happy. And I'm glad that he's back being active now.


Hanis MY said...

comelnya ur son...so smart!

p/s: arigatou... will put urs in mine as well...

Rose said...

Alhamdulillah thank you :) keep in touch

Hanis MY said...

oo pitt, kenal sgt la... okies do keep in touch k...

Rose said...

lol. what a small world! Kem salam kat dia bila jumpa. hehe.

Unknown said...

wah kecik2 dah ada laptop...terbaik la...

Rose said...

hehe. terpaksa dapatkan satu, yg biasa2 je. sbb dia suka kacau laptop bunda dia :D

Yunne Osman said...

hahaha eshan has one as well (when he was about a year old) i had to get one for him at that time cause he would want use my netbook. his however, only lasted a week hahaha then it was back to playing with my netbook. i guess he knew all along that his was nothing like mine hahaha

Rose said...

haha. That sounds soo familiar to me. The same thing here. But still i use it to make him distracted and 'away' from my laptop even if it means for only 10 mins or so. Hehe.

Unknown said...

Wah Wah Wah... main laptop mcm org dh keje Haha..
comel la anak akak..

Unknown said...

Haha... seriusnye main lappy!
comel la anak akak... =)

My Little Diary said...

hi salam kenal
i follow u back, tahniah jdk follower ke 500, ada cendermata nak kasik, bagi address rumah, PM ke facebook saya ataupun tulis kat komen box.. :)


Rose said...

Minah Blur: hehe. terima kasih

my little diary: wow. X perasan la pulak. Ok nanti saya contact. TQMV!! Rezeki jangan ditolak :p

Nadia said...

salam kak,saya dah follow kedua-dua blog dah lah akak..

merahitujambu said...

pandainyaa la ank akak ni...comel jeee

