Birth Story

It's time for my birth story.. My story could be too graphically described, so kindly excuse me for that.

Tuesday, 15 September (26 Ramadan) I was fasting. Luckily, it was the second day of my maternity leave, so I stayed at home.

9 a.m. -
Felt a period-like cramp. It's not that I hadn't had one during my pregnancy but this cramp was nothing like the previous ones. Soon I knew the cramps were actually contractions after I started to have it every 15 minutes to half an hour, but they were still irregular. I told my mom, she said wait until I have bloody show.

10 a.m. -
Took a warm shower around 10 o'clock and did notice some blood stains on my pj-pants, I was actually so panic that I just ignored it. After shower I tried to lie down, but the pain became worse even if I change my position. To sleep wasn't a good option for me so I read book instead. I texted DH, informed him that this might NOT be a false labour, but I did ask him not to come home until the next sign. I was nervous but didn't want to make everyone panic, I silently did the final packing, my stuffs were ready and all bags were packed.

12 p.m. -
The contractions continued, more frequent and longer. Each pain lasted 25-40 seconds that it statued me when it hit, especially when walking. In between each contraction which was like 10-20 minutes (still irregular) I still could do some house chores which I found more to a pain relieve.

1 p.m. -
Felt a trickle and found a red-streaked show. Both my parents were having a nap. Didn't want to wake them up, I went downstairs to hang the washed laundry because I knew this is it, nobody would bother to hang those clothes if they knew it's time to get to the hospital. I took kurma to break my fast and with the hope I'd gain extra energy as I knew Maryam took kurma to get energy before giving birth to nabi Isa a.s.

1.30 p.m. -
Mom was informed and both of us got ready. Dad was still downstairs, sleeping. I called DH to inform him that we're about to heading to the hospital. He said he's already at our gate, just in time. From upstairs I could hear my dad asking why he came home early. Poor dad became the last to know.

1.50 p.m. -
I was so ready and we were leaving to the hospital. It took 30 minutes to get there. In the car, the contractions became progressively more frequent and more painful. But I still could cope and manage to walk to the labour room.

2.30 p.m. -
Officially the first time I was asked to unpants for the first cervical check. And to my own surprise, embarassment was the furthest thing I had in mind. It was 2 cm dilated. They attached a Doppler for fetal monitoring. Contractions were so much painful and getting more regular, frequent and lasted longer, though I still could talk during the intervals- but not a long talk for sure to save my energy.

3.30 p.m. -
Still at the same room, was checked by a female doctor, I was 5 cm dilated. A supplier and a colleague called on the phone. I rejected, who on earth would receive a phone call at this time? Anyway, I texted them "In labour room." (Only two days after I found out that they wanted to send me kek lapis Sarawak for raya).

Before 4 p.m. -
The doctor asked me to walk to the other room. Since I was already 5 cm dilated, they ask me to the labour / surgical room instead of a ward. There I could see all tools were prepared. I was asked to change my clothes and not so long after that the very so real labour began. I knew it's supposed to be like 1 cm dilation for every hour. I kept watching the clock and asking myself "How will I make it through for another 5 hours?" Contractions were so heavenly painful that I wanted to grab somebody's hand for a relieve. Instead, I have my bed railing to squeeze. Few different doctors came and checked. I hate the feeling when they checked my cervix while I was having contractions! But that's how it should be done. My water hadn't broken, so they had to rupture the membrane artificially. Soon after he (yes, a male doctor this time) ruptured it, I could feel a warm gush of water. The feeling was relieving but it's not it. I still had few cm to go. They let me lie down on my left side.

Around 5.30 p.m.-
Contractions continued. Legs were shaking, my body was sweating like miss piggy. I asked them to check whether it's time to push or not as I could feel my down there was stretched enough and I could feel the baby's just around the corner. They checked and declared that it's the time. Soon I saw DH entering the room. I was never happier seeing him coming than I was at that moment. He made his way to my left shoulder, calming me down, showering supportive words which I heard like voices in dreams. My head just couldn't think any other but to help saving the baby and let him out of me.

5.50 p.m. -
After pushing and all the hard works, with DH by my side, the doctors and the nurses that have been very supportive, they asked me to be calm because finally the baby was there. I couldn't believe to see the baby. They asked me his gender, I checked and pronounced "a boy". After the baby was cleaned up, DH recited azan in his ear. They brought me the baby, the first time I hold and kissed him, our little bundle of joy. This is the answer of our waiting for nine months.

Delivering a baby is one of the unforgettable moments I have experienced in life. I am officially a mother and finally I am able to kiss and have the LO in my arms instead of having him in my tummy. As for today I'm not as traumatized as my first days of postpartum. Though at the moment I still don't think of having another baby soon until I'm fully 'mentally' recovered. The pain and other discomforts during labour are still haunting.


::Ida:: said...

Hi dona, been waiting for this entry so i would know wat to expect besides the painful of being in labor :P Congratulations again mummy dona :)

Rose said...

you can read birth stories but not too much. Kalau x stress nanti. :) The pain is worth it when you hold the baby for the first time. Kalau dapat, baca surah Maryam InsyaAllah bersalin lebih mudah..